Health Valley Independent School District has decided to make changes to the lunch menu in the school cafeterias. Instead of serving pizza and corn dogs with french fries, the cafeterias will now serve items such as pitas with grilled chicken and black bean burgers on whole wheat buns with a side of steamed veggies and rice. The changes have sparked mixed responses. Read two of the responses below.

Passage 1
Health Valley School District may believe that it is helping students become healthier, but it is actually taking away the students’ rights and responsibilities to choose healthy foods. Although research shows that eating unhealthy foods can lead to health problems like obesity, students should be allowed to make their own choices. It is the parents’ responsibility to teach their children to make good decisions. Parents must educate their children about the results of eating healthy food versus eating unhealthy food. The parents can control what their children eat in the home, but they have to trust their children to make their own decisions outside of the home. If students are not given the freedom to choose between healthy and unhealthy items at school, they will not learn to make thoughtful decisions. Also, when students’ choices are limited to foods that they do not find appetizing, they will most likely choose to not eat. Going without food is unhealthier than eating foods that are considered to be unhealthy. For example, a piece of pizza has more nutritional value than air. When students who prefer nachos cannot find a tasty substitute, their grades will suffer because they will not have enough energy to concentrate on their lessons. Studies show that hunger diminishes a child’s ability to pay attention. Also, Health Valley School District should realize that changing the lunch menu is not going to solve students’ health problems. Research proves that health problems like heart disease are related to genetics and a lack of physical activity. Students who get plenty of exercise will not get heart disease from eating corn dogs and french fries for lunch. The school district is making a huge mistake by getting rid of the foods that students like to eat and not giving them a choice.

Passage 2
Health Valley School District is doing an outstanding job in moving students toward a healthier future. The schools’ lunch menus have been riddled with fattening and artery-clogging foods for too long. Recent findings show that the childhood obesity rate within the Healthy Valley School District has increased from 6% to 25% over the past 10 years. The changes that the school district is making aim to decrease the percent of childhood obesity. In addition to obesity, recent data indicates that the percent of diabetic students within the district has reached an all-time high of 5%. Childhood obesity and the development of diabetes have been linked to eating foods that are high in fat and high in sugar. By changing the school lunches, Health Valley School District will also help to lower the number of students that develop diabetes. At home, the parents are responsible for providing their children with a nutritious diet. But while children are at school, they should not be given the option of eating unhealthy foods. Students get the wrong message when the schools teach them proper nutrition in health class but serve them fried, processed, and sugary foods in the cafeteria. This tells the students that what they have been taught about nutrition is not important. Students may resist the changes at first. However, as soon as they are hungry enough, they will try the healthy dishes. The students will discover how delicious and beneficial healthy foods are. Health Valley School District is playing a vital role in the health of its students.
Select the correct answer.
The authors of both passages agree that
eating unhealthy foods can cause health problems.
switching to a healthy diet without increasing exercise is useless.
students will get hungry enough to try new, healthy dishes.
students should have the right to choose to eat unhealthy foods.