Question 1
Part A

What is a theme of The Secret Garden?

Tending nature has a healing effect on people.

A piece of land should belong to whoever wants it most.

Spending time outdoors can help one learn to communicate with animals.

It is important to keep secrets.
Question 2
Part B

Which detail from chapters 10-11 of the novel best supports the theme in Part A?

“‘I’m keepin’ secrets all th’ time,’ he said. ‘If I couldn’t keep secrets from th’ other lads, secrets about foxes’ cubs, an’ birds’ nests, an’ wild things’ holes, there’d be naught safe on th’ moor. Aye, I can keep secrets.’”

“‘I’ll tell thee what tha’ll do,’ said Dickon, with his happy grin. ‘Tha’ll get fat an’ tha’ll get as hungry as a young fox an’ tha’ll learn how to talk to th’ robin same as I do. Eh! we’ll have a lot o’ fun.’”

“‘I’m growing fatter,’ said Mary, ‘and I’m growing stronger. I used always to be tired. When I dig I’m not tired at all.’”

“‘I’ve stolen a garden,’ she said very fast. ‘It isn’t mine. It isn’t anybody’s. Nobody wants it, nobody cares for it, nobody ever goes into it.’”