The chart below shows the price of 4 different spaghetti sauces and how many ounces are in each jar. Determine which brand is the cheapest per ounce.

Brand Ounces Price
Mama Rossi's 26 $6.76
Roma's Recipe 28 $7.28
Marinara Marvel 30 $7.50
Sammy's Sauce 32 $8.32

Respuesta :

Marinara Marvel is the answer because

Mama Rossi is $.26 per ounce
Roma’s Recipe is $.26 per ounce
Sammy’s Sauce is $.26 per ounce
Marinara Marvel is $.25 per ounce

Marinara Marvel is the cheapest per ounce

6.26 divided by 26 = 0.26
7.28 divided by 28 = 0.26
7.50 divided by 30 = 0.25
8.32 divided by 32 = 0.26

marinara marvel would be the cheapest per ounce