g Design an experiment you can use to determine the mass of the metal cylinder. When you explain your experiment, be sure to mention: What is the underlying model (equation) that you can use to determine the mass from your measurements

Respuesta :


m = [tex]\frac{k}{g}[/tex] x,

graph of x vs m


For this exercise, the simplest way to determine the mass of the cylinder is to take a spring and hang the mass, measure how much the spring has stretched and calculate the mass, using the translational equilibrium equation

              F_e -W = 0

              k x = m g

              m = [tex]\frac{k}{g}[/tex] x

We are assuming that you know the constant k of the spring, if it is not known you must carry out a previous step, calibrate the spring, for this a series of known masses are taken and hung by measuring the elongation (x) from the equilibrium position, with these data a graph of x vs m is made to serve as a spring calibration.

  In the latter case, the elongation measured with the cylinder is found on the graph and the corresponding ordinate is the mass