
Becky is entering her freshman year of high-school. she is very shy and uncomfortable with herself. Her parents fear that she will have trouble making friends and socializing because of her low self esteem. Wrote a paragraph explaining what steps Becky could take to improve her self esteem and have a positive, productive freshman year.​

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Low self-esteem is something that most people suffer from especially teenagers. Low self-esteem can be improved in many ways but it takes time and dedication. You can start by setting goals for yourself and for your future. Having a goal will give you something to pursue. Step out of your comfort zone, we all have one and it keeps us from progressing so force yourself to talk to people and get to know more people. Lastly, stop taking everything personally. Most people with low self-esteem tend to overthink every little comment that people make and usually attribute all the bad comments to them, this is not true and is your mind simply putting you down, fight it and remember that those comments are not directed towards you and the ones that are say more about the individual who said it and their problems.