Please help!
The illustration below shows the graph of y as a function of x.
Complete the following sentences based on the graph of the function.
- As x increases, y _______ (increases/decreases).
- The rate of change for y as a function of x is not __________ (constant/constant), therefore the function is ________ (linear/nonlinear).
- For all values of x, the function value y ___ (≤/≥/=) 0.
- The y-intercept of the graph is the function value y = ____.
- When x = 1, the function value y = ___.

Respuesta :


As "x" increases "y" *decreases*

y as a function of x is not *constant*

Therefore the function is *nonlinear*

For all values of x, the function value y *≥* 0.

The y intercept of the graph is *8*

x=1 function value of y is *5*