Develop a C program that calculates the final score and the average score for a student from his/her (1)class participation, (2) test, (3) assignment, (4) exam, and (5) practice scores. The program should use variables, cout, cin, getline(), type casting, and output manipulators. The user should enter the name of the student and scores ranging from 0 to 100 (integer) for each grading item. The final score is the sum of all grading items. The average score is the average of all grading items.

Respuesta :


#include <iomanip>


using namespace std;

int main(){

char name[100];

float classp, test, assgn, exam, prctscore,ave;

cout<<"Student Name: ";


cout<<"Class Participation: "; cin>>classp;

while(classp <0 || classp > 100){  cout<<"Class Participation: "; cin>>classp; }

cout<<"Test: "; cin>>test;

while(test <0 || test > 100){  cout<<"Test: "; cin>>test; }

cout<<"Assignment: "; cin>>assgn;

while(assgn <0 || assgn > 100){  cout<<"Assignment: "; cin>>assgn; }

cout<<"Examination: "; cin>>exam;

while(exam <0 || exam > 100){  cout<<"Examination: "; cin>>exam; }

cout<<"Practice Score: "; cin>>prctscore;

while(prctscore <0 || prctscore > 100){  cout<<"Practice Score: "; cin>>prctscore; }

ave = (int)(classp + test + assgn + exam + prctscore)/5;

cout <<setprecision(1)<<fixed<<"The average score is "<<ave;  

return 0;}


The required parameters such as cin, cout, etc. implies that the program is to be written in C++ (not C).

So, I answered the program using C++.

Line by line explanation is as follows;

This declares name as character of maximum size of 100 characters

char name[100];

This declares the grading items as float

float classp, test, assgn, exam, prctscore,ave;

This prompts the user for student name

cout<<"Student Name: ";

This gets the student name using getline


This prompts the user for class participation. The corresponding while loop ensures that the score s between 0 and 100 (inclusive)

cout<<"Class Participation: "; cin>>classp;

while(classp <0 || classp > 100){  cout<<"Class Participation: "; cin>>classp; }

This prompts the user for test. The corresponding while loop ensures that the score s between 0 and 100 (inclusive)

cout<<"Test: "; cin>>test;

while(test <0 || test > 100){  cout<<"Test: "; cin>>test; }

This prompts the user for assignment. The corresponding while loop ensures that the score s between 0 and 100 (inclusive)

cout<<"Assignment: "; cin>>assgn;

while(assgn <0 || assgn > 100){  cout<<"Assignment: "; cin>>assgn; }

This prompts the user for examination. The corresponding while loop ensures that the score s between 0 and 100 (inclusive)

cout<<"Examination: "; cin>>exam;

while(exam <0 || exam > 100){  cout<<"Examination: "; cin>>exam; }

This prompts the user for practice score. The corresponding while loop ensures that the score s between 0 and 100 (inclusive)

cout<<"Practice Score: "; cin>>prctscore;

while(prctscore <0 || prctscore > 100){  cout<<"Practice Score: "; cin>>prctscore; }

This calculates the average of the grading items

ave = (int)(classp + test + assgn + exam + prctscore)/5;

This prints the calculated average

cout <<setprecision(1)<<fixed<<"The average score is "<<ave;