You find a message in a bottle with very specific directions. Write a story about the adventure you embark upon.
Seven or more sentences.

Respuesta :


We are sitting at the beach waiting for the sun to go down so we can watch the sun set as I'm looking at the sky I see something shiny in the sand. I get up to see what it is and find a glass bottle with paper inside almost something out of a movie. I go to open the bottle and grab the paper inside there are very specific instructions inside they lead to something right here on this beach. I have the feeling as if I were meant to find this and the treasure. I go to follow the map to were the treasure I am supposed to find and not to long after finding the bottle I find where X marks the spot and dig where the map tells me to. After long digging I hit something hard in the sand and carry it out. There is no key so I find some thing to break it open and the treasure wasn't what I thought it would be. It was another glass bottle.


I hope this was good enough :)

When writing a story you should do some planning.

There are many aspects to writing a good story. For basic story-telling, we can focus on a mood and create the story around that.

First, settle on a mood, as in what do you want your story to make the reader feel? some examples of mood are:

  • Dramatic:  You can write about how the bottle may contain instructions for saving a person in distress.
  • Romantic: You can write about how the message gave instructions for a couple to meet up and run away together & how you help them to do so.
  • Whimsical: Maybe the bottle contains the secrets to access a magical world with exciting new characters.

Once you have decided what mood you want the story to portray, build a series of events that you believe may pair well with that mood. Then use descriptive words such as:

  • Warm
  • Mesmerizing
  • Clever
  • Courageous.

Here is an example of how you can start your story with a mysterious mood and some of the descriptive words I mentioned.

"It was a warm summer day. I sat along the riverbank gazing at the mesmerizing sheen of the sun on the surface of the water. All was peaceful when suddenly a strange glare caught my attention. I sat upright and noticed it came from a bottle lodged in the mud at the edge of the river. The bottle appeared to be old and dirty, but didnt look to be empty. I hurried over and examined the piece of paper within the bottle...they seem to be instructions! To what exactly? who put them here? i was keen to find out"

With this short guide, you can write a wonderful story about finding a bottle with instructions and the events that came from it.

For more help with story-telling see:

Ver imagen sandlee09