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An Excerpt from "Time Jumper"
by Kimberly Myers

If I'd known that it was going to be the last day that I spent in Haverford (well, the Haverford of 2013), I might have spent it a little differently.
By the time I woke up, both Mom and Dad were at work. There wasn't a whole lot going on yet that summer, so I took my time making breakfast and thought about what I could get into that day. If I remember correctly, I met up with Beth around noon and we went down to the diner on Main Street. Later that night, it was dinner with the family, as usual. I don't think I said anything particularly worthwhile. I mostly gave roundabout or one word answers to my parents' questions about what was new with me. I eventually said goodnight and went upstairs to my room. It all only stands out in my memory so much now because of what happened next.
The next morning, I woke with a start. It felt like I'd only been asleep for a minute, but light was already streaming in through the window. I should have realized that something was off—the light was cold and gray, nothing like the bright beams that should have been there telling me that a summer day was beckoning me outside.
I swung my legs over the side of the bed and slid my feet to the floor. Instantly, I was wide awake. The thick carpet that normally squished underfoot was gone. I was standing on wide, rough-hewn boards. My eyes darted around the room. Yes, the dimensions were right, but nothing else about my room was. I flew down the stairs, looking for someone in my family who could explain how the house had undergone such a remodel—and a poor one, at that—while I slept. I didn't find anyone.
"I have to get out of here. I feel like I'm going crazy," I thought. "I just need to get outside. Wait, what if I'm dreaming?"
Walking outside left me feeling like I'd been punched in the stomach. I expected to see the street filled with the normal taxis and cars and lined with businesses opening up for the day. Instead, I saw a tree-lined street, and three buildings. In the place of cars, I saw a horse drawing a wagon.
If I was dreaming that morning, I'm still dreaming over a year later.

1) How are the events that occur in Chapter 1 of "Time Jumper" similar to the events that occur in Chapter 2?
a) They occur in the same town
b) Both sets of events seem normal and routine to the narrator
c) Both set of events are fast-paced.
d) They are not at all similar.
2) How are the events that occur in Chapter 2 of "Time Jumper" different from event in Chapter 1?
a) They are part of the exposition that introduces the narrator and background information, while the events in Chapter 1 are part of the rising action.
b) They are part of the falling action that follows the climax that occurs in Chapter 1.
c) They reveal the problem or conflict that is foreshadowed, or hinted at, in Chapter 1.
d) They are told from a different character’s perspective than the events in Chapter 1.