Which two criteria are least important for engineers to consider when developing a process to produce an important chemical?
A. The process should be located in a major city.
B. The process should use local, organic reactants.
C. The process should produce a significant amount of the product.
D. The process should be cost-effective.​

Respuesta :


two least important criteria are A and B.


In an industrial production process there are criteria on the location of the production plants. Among the most important criteria we have that a good quantity is produced from the producer and that the process is cost-beneficial - cats to increase the profit of the company.

There are other desirable but minor criteria

A) The size of the city is of minor importance

b) Finding raw material locally is interesting, but its importance is less, the raw material can be sent from other locations.

Consequently the two least important criteria are A and B.


A. The process should be located in a major city.

B. The process should use local, organic reactants.

