1. Agglomeration
2. Annexation
3. Asian Tigers
4. Basic Industry
5. Break-Of-Bulk
6. BRIC Countries
7. Brownfield
8. Bulk-Gaining Industry
9. Bulk-Reducing Industry
10. Capital
11. Central Place Theory
12. Commodity Chain
13. Deindustrialization
14. Dependency Theory
15. Density Gradient
16. Economic Base
17. Economies of Scale
18. Edge City
19. Export Processing Zone
20. Footloose Industry
21. Fordism
22. Gentrification
23. Gravity Model
24. Gross Domestic Product
25. Hinterland
26. Industrial Revolution
27. Infrastructure
28. Labor-Intensive
29. Least-Cost Theory
30. Location Theory
31. Maquiladora
32. Market Area
33. Mass Production
34. New International
35. Division of Labor
36. Newly Industrialized Country (NIC)
37. Nonbasic Industry
38. Outsourcing
39. Primary Industry
40. Range
41. Rank-Size Rule
42. Raw Materials
43. Secondary Industry
44. Site Characteristics
46. Characteristics