What are the two formal duties of the vice president?
What are the three parts of the executive branch?
What were the Constitutional changes to the presidency?

Respuesta :

Answer: See explanation


a. The two formal duties of the Vice President include:

1. During the counting of votes for the Senate and there's a deadlock, the vice-president casts a vote which is the tie-breaking vote.

2. The vice president also preside over the vote count of the Electoral College and he or she also certifies the votes.

b. The executive is the branch that is responsible for the governing of the state. The branch also makes sure that laws are enforced and also executed. The three parts of the Executive branch include:

• The Executive Office of the President

• The Cabinet

• The Independent agencies.

c. The Constitutional changes to the presidency was made in the Twenty-second Amendment and the change limts the times that an individual can be eligible for election to become the President to only two.


1 . The vice president presides over the Senate when there’s likely to be a tie vote, and he’s responsible for taking over the duties of the president should that be necessary.

2. The executive branch is composed of the executive office of the president, the executive departments, and independent agencies.

 3.  The election of the president in the 12 amendment and the terms limits in the 22nd amendment.
