
Do you think that how you act/present yourself on social media/online is different than in person? Why do you think that is? ( In Paragraph Form )

Respuesta :


Yes, how I act on social media is not how I am in person. Even though I try as much as possible to present the true picture of who I am on social media, I sometimes realize that only the good and glamorous part of me is presented to the world. I hide my faults from my friends and post nothing about them. This is deceptive as there is no person whose life is all glamorous. People who are easily carried away by all the show off can become depressed as a result of that.


This question requires that the reader should examine his activities on social media to find out if these activities are true representations of their offline activities.

A close examination of my activities on social media shows a presentation of only the good and exciting aspects of my life. My imperfections are hidden from the world. This is not a balanced representation of my personality and it is somewhat deceptive.