Which of the following instruments' music probably sounds most similar to the dulcimer played by the damsel in "Kubla
Khán”? Briefly explain your answer.
a. harp
b. snare drum
d. trumpet

Respuesta :


Option A

A harp


The dulcimer is a musical instrument that has a sounding box, just like a guitar, but is trapezoidal in shape. It produces musical sound by plucking or by striking the strings. The dulcimer is a stringed instrument that belongs to the chordophone family.

We can easily tell the instruments that will probably sound like the dulcimer by finding out which one of the instruments in the options has a similar build as the dulcimer, produces musical sounds in a similar manner as the dulcimer, has certain elements that the dulcimer has.

From the options give, the harp is the only stringed instrument there that produces sounds by plucking. As a result, it is the instrument that will sound closest to the dulcimer.