This recipe makes 6 portions of chocolate mousse.
Cali has 600 g chocolate, 36 eggs, 100 mL of lemon juice and 200 g of sugar.
Cali makes 12 portions of mousse by following this recipe.
How much of each ingredient will she have left?

Recipe: Serves 6
180 g chocolate
9 eggs
15 mL lemon juice
60 g sugar

Respuesta :


240 g chocolate

18 eggs

70 mL lemon juice

80 g sugar

Step-by-step explanation:

600 g choc - (2 x 180) = 240 g left

36 eggs - (2 x 9) = 18 left

100 mL lemon - (2 x 15) = 70 mL left

200 g sugar - (2 x 60) = 80 g left


Ingredients will have left


  • 600 - 2*180 = 240 g


  • 36 - 2*9 = 18

Lemon juice

  • 100 - 2*15 = 70 ml


  • 200 - 2*60 = 80 g