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What is the central scene in the Bayeux Tapestry?


The central scene in the Bayeux Tapestry is one of the Battle of Hastings. This event was significant because it began with the dispute over who was the rightful heir to the England throne. Two men named William the Conqueror and Harold Godwinson were the instigators of this battle. Edward the Confessor, the prior king to England, had proclaimed both men to be the next heir. In a town 7 miles away of Hastings, this battle began on October 14, 1066 and ran the course of only a day. William, also known for being the Duke of Normandy, claimed victory in the death of Harold. He became the King 10 weeks later and changed the history by the initiation of his own conquest of the country.

In the Bayeux Tapestry itself. the artwork depicts many different animals, boats, and the interaction of people with this environment. For example, there is a man pulling a horse-like creature by a harness. The men on the boats are working together to situate the sails. It could be said that this scene could be depicting their preparation for the Battle of Hastings.