HELP; Jaron wants to maintain his weight for an upcoming wresting match. When he dines with his family at Starlite Pizza, he limits his pizza consumption to one small personal pan pepperoni pizza. A personal pan pizza at Starlite Pizza has an area of 80 in².

On Friday, Jaron goes to Starlite Pizza with two of his wrestling teammates. They order a 20-inch (in diameter) pan pepperoni pizza. That pizza is divided into eight equal slices.

Jaron estimates that two slices of the 20-inch pizza contains less pizza than his usual order of a personal pan pizza. Is Jaron correct in his assumption?

In a short paragraph, describe how Jaron should go about calculating the area of two slices of the 20-inch pizza. Be sure to describe each computational step with a complete sentence and to use essential vocabulary in your written response.