Respuesta :

If this means cars like Tesla’s, I think they would be great. Although, only if the person in the car is still paying attention to the road and able to take control at any time. It would be great for the environment, and an improvement for the overall safety of other drivers. It could help with drunk adults needing to get home without driving, or anyone that cannot drive but needs to get home.




Wouldn't it be amazing to never have to drive again? Driverless cars can provide just this luxery. Driverless cars can save time and lives. While some may argue ai shouldn't be allowed to make such decisions and this is taking technology too far, the benefits absolutely outweigh possible worries.

Firstly, driverless cars would save you literal days. Driverless cars can communicate with seemingly instantly and allow all cars to be as efficient as possible. Texas A&M Transportation Institute's Urban Mobility says the average American spends 42 hours sitting in traffic every year. Think of what you could do if traffic was eliminated from your life.

Furthermore, these cars' ai can save lives. If a pedestrian suddenly jumps out into the road, an ai would be able to react in ways a human driver could not. The average human reaction time to visual stimuli is 0.25 seconds. If the human driver even notices what they might be about to hit, those 0.25 seconds could be fatal.

All in all, I'm too lazy to do a conclusion you read the essay why is this necessary lol.