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racism in 1988 and racism in 2021 was similar because black people are still getting killed by white police officers and black people still earn less money than their white counterparts and still can be racist by saying offensive slurs, blackfishing and . racism in 1988 and racism in 2021 are different because we have social media, and petions to sign and  more protest to demand for justice.

Answer:hope this helps

Explanation:from what i know of racism in 2021 is just harsh with riots and destruction but in 1988 racism didn't let colored people do a lot of things and also they were basically forced into slavery.An example a boycott lasted from December 5th 1955 to December 20th 1956 i know it was from 1950's but it's a example but that was because after a long day of work Rosa Park's was forced to give up her bus seat to a white man because of the color of her skin.Now back to the question 2021's racism isn't that bad compared to 1988's racism.But yea hope this helps I learned a lot about this.