Using what you know about fair and unfair games, as well as expected value, design a game that will be fair to both you and the player. Be creative in your design, trying not to mimic anything that you have already seen in this course or in searching the internet. Include a thorough description as well as a visual representation of the game that includes evidence of fairness.

Respuesta :



Step-by-step explanation:

Each player starts out with 10 tokens ( tokens can be anything I recommend spare change or coins. ) the tokens will be used as point tallies at the end of the game.  But to determine who goes first the question master asks a question from the starting deck( The easiest questions) and starting with player one the players answer and whoever answers with the correct answer will go first, the other players will form an orderly line from closest to the correct answer to farthest. ( If there are more than 1 successful answers you pull another card from the next deck. This is an increase in difficulty. And it will keep increasing until there is one person with the correct or closest answer or until they reach the end of the final deck. Remember that this event is highly unlikely) After this is done the game begins.  The question master asks a question the players will answer. The players that get it correct will receive 2 token. The players that do not but are close get 1 and the player to get the farthest from the correct answer loses 1 token. ( Tokens are worth 1 point.)


Player 1 ( Answers the questions.)

Player 2 ( Answers the questions.)

Player 3 ( Answers the questions.)

Player 4 ( Answers the questions.)

Question Master & Token Master ( Asks the questions and gives the token to the correct answer. )

How to Win:

Quick Match- Play until a player reaches 30 tokens.

Long Match- Play until all but one player is eliminated.

Ways to Lose-  If a player loses all of there tokens or is cheating they are eliminated, this happens only when the player is caught cheating or stealing tokens from other players or when the player loses all of these tokens due to incorrect answers.