Write a letter as the senior prefect of your school write a letter to the principal pointing out at least two habits among student that should be promoted among the teacher

Respuesta :

Dear Principal.

My name is John Smith, Senior Prefect, and I come, through this letter, to humbly ask for the integration of two important elements in the classroom, which, I believe, will form very beneficial habits for students, if they are promoted by teachers.

I believe that one of the most important skills, not only in academic life, but in social life as a whole, is the ability to interpret text. Unfortunately, I have noticed that many students have flaws in this ability and are functionally illiterate, because, although they can read, they cannot understand what they read. I believe that it would be very beneficial if teachers encouraged reading and indicated texts that should be commented, with a certain frequency, in the classroom.

The other element that I come to indicate is the execution of debates, as this will allow the students to learn to argue in a coherent and correct way, besides that it would stimulate the students to respect divergent opinions and to know how to act in a cultured way when contradicted.

If possible, I would like to arrange a meeting with you, where these and more elements can be better explained.

Thank you for your time and I await your response.


John Smith.

Senior Prefect