Respuesta :

A big obstacle he faces is that he has turned into a bug.


Initially, the obstacles Gregor faces are largely physical. Your answer could include the following points:

Not used to his insect body, Gregor has a tough time trying to get up from his bed. He tries to go back to sleep and forget what has happened to him, but he can only rock from side to side because of the shape of his back.

He now has wiggly legs turned up toward the ceiling, which he can’t control.

He feels an itch on his stomach and reaches out with one of his legs to scratch the area, but his own belly, now full of white spots, repulses him.

When his mother asks him to open the door, he only manages to twist and rock his body.

When he tries to answer his mother, he realizes his voice has changed. Instead of talking, he can only squeak. Although he thinks he is speaking normally, others are unable to hear him.

He manages to turn sideways and dangle off his bed, but he hurts his back in the process.

When the chief clerk from Gregor’s office comes to ask why he’s late for work, everyone urges Gregor to open the door of his room. He manages to turn the lock with his mouth after a lot of difficulty.

He notices that his legs now ooze a sticky liquid.

Still not used to his new body, Gregor hurts himself while trying to scurry inside his bedroom and gets stuck in the doorway.


Plato explanation