Choose an organism that you are familiar with, and explain how the three parts of the cell theory relate to the organism

Respuesta :

organism: Apple
All cells from the apple come from cell division occurring from the apple in order for it to grow. 
An apple has multiple cells
The small living part in an apple is a cell thus showing that cells are the basic living unit.


Organism: Chicken


Let's suppose we have a chicken.

Chicken is a multicellular organism, with several parts such as wings, legs among many others.

The first part of cell theory: All organisms are made of one or more cells. Chicken is composed of several cells, cells are a couple in organs, such as hearth, legs and other. Each organ is composed of a specialized type of cell.

The second part of cell theory: The cell is the basic unit of organisms.The cell is the minimum expression of living organisms. Cells can eat, drink, digest and breath. Due to it, cells are the basic unit of organisms. Each cell inside the chicken can achieve own functions by itself.

Third. All cells come from existing cells.If we analyze the chicken origin, we can notice that chicken life began as an egg, a single giant cell. With time going, the single cell of the chicken was reproducing until it reaches the organism and many cells. In this sense, all chicken cells come from a single existing cell of the egg.