If the molecules of two different substances have a similar size but the molecules of one substance are polar while the molecules of the other substance are nonpolar, what is most likely true about the substances?

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If the molecules of two different substances have a similar size but the molecules of one substance are polar while the molecules of the other substance are nonpolar, then these substances are not miscible with each other. They are separated when mixed. They form a heterogeneous mixture.


Polar substances tend to mix with each other, while nonpolar substances tend to mix with nonpolar substances


The covalent bond is the chemical bond between atoms where electrons are shared, forming a molecule. Covalent bonds are established between non-metallic elements, such as hydrogen H, oxygen O and chlorine Cl. These elements have many electrons in their outermost level (valence electrons) and have a tendency to gain electrons to acquire the stability of the electronic structure of noble gas. The shared electron pair is common to the two atoms and holds them together.

The covalent bond between two atoms can be polar or nonpolar. This depends on the type of atoms that make it up: if the atoms are equal, the bond will be nonpolar (since no atom attracts electrons more strongly). But, if the atoms are different, the bond will be polarized towards the most electronegative atom, because it will be the atom that attracts the electron pair with more force. Then it will be polar.

It can occur in a molecule that the bonds are polar and the molecule is nonpolar. This occurs because of the geometry of the molecule, which causes them to cancel the different equal polar bonds of the molecule (remember that not all polar bonds are equal, because they are due to the difference in electronegativity of the elements, which are not all same).

Solubility is a physical property that is directly related to the polarity of molecules.  With regard to solubility it is said that "the like is mixed with the like." That is, polar substances tend to mix with each other, while nonpolar substances tend to mix with nonpolar substances. For example, oil is a nonpolar substance, which when mixed with a polar substance such as water does not mix, generating two phases.