Which Middle Eastern leader believed that his people should dress like westerners, adopt the latin alphabet, attend staterun schools, and use the Gregorian calandar?

A. Ataturk
B. Hasan al-Banna
C. Ibn Saud
D. Saad Zaghul

Respuesta :

Believe it was A. Ataturk. 
The Ikhwan of the Muslim Brethren was to be the means of achieving these goals; the program reflected the ideas of Al-Banna, its "Supreme Guide," regarding social, religious, and economic matters. Among other things, it called for a moral society in Islamic terms and an end to Westernization. Since the ills of society were blamed on the habits of the Europeanized upper classes who preferred to wear Western clothes, speak European languages, and bring up their children according to Western customs, habits of the rich were to be combatted. The answer is B. Hasan al-Banna.

Hope this answer helps! feel free to ask any additional questions :)