I have a few English questions that I have to turn in soon. Any help with these would be appreciated. Reading isn't my strong suit. The book I'm reading is My Atonia by Willa Cather
1) Jim defines happiness in Book I, Section II (just at the end) as “ . . . to be dissolved into something complete and great. When it comes to one, it comes as naturally as sleep.” Would Antonia agree with this definition?
- 250 words (your opinions) in formal tone.
- Include at least 3 quotes from the story.
2) In My Antonia, Cather uses symbols from nature to express the essential aspects of the lives of the characters. Some symbols are of the land: the prairie, the grass, winter, etc. Other symbols are animals: badgers, wolves, rattlesnakes, larks, etc. Choose three symbols and discuss how they convey information about the daily lives of the characters, how the characters relate to each other and/or how Cather views life.
- 250 words (your opinions) in formal tone.
-Include at least 3 quotes from the story.
--- Choose ONE of these topics below to further your research into the living conditions of the American pioneers.---
-Write a 250-word formal essay, correctly citing all reference materials in APA format, on this topic: "Pioneer Living Conditions in Nineteenth-Century Nebraska"
Invent a character of your own, and write a 450-word short story detailing pioneer living conditions from that character's perspective.
-Write a 250-word formal essay, correctly citing all reference materials in APA format, on this topic: "Willa Cather's Life: An Illustration of the Key Values of the Heartland."
-Write a 250-word short story detailing pioneer living conditions from a woman's point of view.
Im sorry it looks like a lot to write. THANK YOU SO MUCH IN ADVANCE!

Respuesta :

Can you put one ata a time in the chat


Mr. Shimerda begs Jim to “Te-e-ach, te-e-ach my Antonia” in Book I, Section III (just at the end). ... In My Antonia, Cather uses symbols from nature to express the essential aspects of the lives of the characters.