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 There has been many people in life that has help me get where I am today. Whether it was when my brother talked me into playing three sports in high school. My teacher always sticking by me in school so I can graduate. And my parents by being strict and not letting me get into any trouble. All of my problems there has been someone to help me dealt with my problems.
             Getting into high school my brother told me to keep myself busy. Because he knew I didn’t like school and by playing just one sport it wasn’t going to be enough to keep me in school everyday. So he talked me into playing other sports. The sports that my brother played were football, basketball, and baseball. My brother told me by playing those three sports it kept him on his toes. With school especially it made him get good grades so he can stay on the team. So I did I played all the same sports my brother played in school. It worked I stayed in school got ok grades enough to keep me on the team. It also got me high school athlete of the year.
             My teacher in high school and besides sports is what kept me going to school. My teacher always stuck by me while I was in school. He always challenged me into doing my work. Motivating me to go to class, and always helping me with my work. I never really missed school, because if I missed school and my Teacher found out he would call my parents. He was like a best friend I was always in his class talking about any problems I had. My teacher was really a big reason why I graduated from high school, I didn’t want to let him or my parents.
             My parents are a big reason why am I am where I am today. By my parents being strict and tough on me, it helped a lot. It kept me from hanging with the wrong crowd. Because I didn’t live in the safest neighborhood in the town. But my parents did it for a reason for my own good.

hope this helps you