Read each of the statements, and determine whether each pertains to an authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, or uninvolved style of child rearing.

a. Parents who use this child-rearing style are low in acceptance and involvement, high in coercive control, and low in autonomy granting.
b. This child-rearing style combines low acceptance and involvement with little control and general indifference to autonomy granting.
c. At its extreme, this type of parenting is a form of child maltreatment called neglect.
d. This child-rearing style is warm and accepting, but parents are either overindulging or inattentive.
e. The most successful approach to child rearing, this style involves high acceptance and involvement, adaptive control techniques, and appropriate autonomy granting.

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Explanation below


(A) Authoritarian – This is because of the high intimidating control of the children, which is one of the ways of identifying authoritarian parents.

Kids under this parenting style usually don't get involved in problem solving challenges  or obstacles due to lack of autonomy for them to express themselves.  

(B) Uninvolved – This is because option B talked about a particular type of child-rearing with little control and general indifference to autonomy granting. Uninvolved parents usually do not get to know what their children are doing at any particular point in time. They expect the kids to raise themselves.  

(C) Uninvolved – This is because of the neglect associated with this parenting style. Most uninvolved parents claim to be overwhelmed with other problems, like work, paying bills and they maltreat their children by not looking out for them properly.

(D) Permissive – This is because the child-rearing style mentioned is warm and accepting. Parents who exhibit this style do have a way of forgiving their kids when they go wrong by saying, kids will always be kids. They neither overindulge nor remain inattentive to what is happening around their children

(E) Authoritative – Most researchers have found this style the most successful in raising kids who are both academically strong and emotionally stable