Write a program to play the Card Guessing Game. Your program must give the user the following choices: 1. Guess only the face value of the card (guessFace() in face.cpp) 2. Guess only the suit of the card (guessSuit() in suit.cpp) 3. Guess both the face value and the suit of the card (guessBoth() in both.cpp) Before the start of the game, create a deck of cards. Before each guess use the function random_shuffle() (

Respuesta :


Hey bro I don't know such programs to write but I have number guessing game. Here:

Explanation: Built with python......

import random

while True:

   x = True

   while x:

       num = input("type a limiting number  ")

       if num.isdigit():

           print("lets play")

           num = int(num)

           meow = False


           print("Invalid input! Try agian.")

   secret = random.randint(1, num)

   guess = None

   count = 1

   while guess != secret:

       guess = input("Please guess a number between 1 and " + str(num) + ":")

       if guess.isdigit():

           guess = int(guess)

       if guess == secret:

           print("You guessed correctly!")


           print("Oops wrong answer!! Try again..")

           count += 1

   print("it took you", count, "guesses", )