Sunspots are connected with other or events solar hare A solar fare is a sudden release of energy from the Sun, which shoots hot charged partides plasma) from the Sun into
Strical and crcalgids When
Solar harest send enormous amounts of
energy and charged particles that can interact with the Earth's atmosphere. When the charged partides strike the atmosphere they can cause auroras and magnetic storms that can also disrupt
there are more Sunspots, this indicates that the Sun is more active and there will be more solar Hares.
It is under if there is a link between solar activity and changes in the Earth's climate because our planet's climate is influenced by so many other factors such as volcanoes and greenhouse gases. A period of time known as the Maunder
Minimum occurred from about 1645 until 1715. During this time period there yere almost no sunspots. This period occurred at about the same time as a period of cold temperatures known as the Little Ice Age. However, scientists have
not been able to determine if the two phenomen were actually related
Below is a graph of sunspot activity beginning in the year 1600
Which of the following claims would the sunspot evidence from the Maunder Minimum best support?
Moresunspots during this period would have increased magnetic storms.
Fewer sunspots during this period would have caused higher than normal greenhouse gas concentrations
Lower solar activity could have caused colder temperatures on Earth
Greater solar activity could have caused warmer temperatures of Earth.

Sunspots are connected with other or events solar hare A solar fare is a sudden release of energy from the Sun which shoots hot charged partides plasma from the class=