
3. Discuss whether the Loisels chose the right course of action when they found the necklace was missing? What other choices were open to them and why were these not chosen.

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According to my observation, the Loisels followed the right approach in their dealing with the loss of the diamond necklace.

They were given other options like approaching the authorities and reporting the loss or even going to the necklace's owner and telling her the truth about it. But maybe, they didn't want to have a bad name in the society so they decided to 'hide' the loss and deal with it on their own.


Guy de Maupassant's "The Necklace" revolves around the story of the Loisels and their after-party loss of a diamond necklace and their efforts to recuperate it. The recuperation resulted in the Loisels using up their savings and their loss of 'enjoyable' life.

According to my observation, I think the Loisels did the right approach in covering their mistake. Their attempts in retracing the steps to the party, and then eventually covering the lost necklace by buying the replacement and returning it to the owner is an ideal action.

There are other options available are that they can first approach the necklace owner and tell her about the problem, which may make it easier for them to discover that the necklace was fake. Then, they wouldn't have spent that much money to replace the lost necklace. But they did not choose that either may be because of their society or their refusal to have a bad name in the society.