Question 10 of 10
Claim A: Girls and boys should be taught in separate classes because
they learn in different ways.
Claim B: Girls and boys should be taught together because mixed
classrooms allow students to learn from one another.
Which claim does the following piece of evidence best support?
In the Richmond County Math Olympiad, only 34 percent of teams
include both boys and girls, but a mixed-gender team has won the
competition every year for the past 10 years.
A. Claim A, because it provides proof that single-sex classrooms are
more fair for girls
B. Claim A, because it gives an example of how girls and boys learn
equally well, but differently
C. Claim B, because it explains why learning to interact with the
opposite sex is an important skill
D. Claim B, because it shows that boys and girls can achieve more
when working together