
Statement 1: People can get out of poverty if they work hard.
Agree or disagree? Explanation 2-3 sentences

Statement 2: Taking a knee during the national anthem is disrespectful to the flag/country.
Agree or disagree? Explanation 2-3 sentences

Statement 3: America should suspend the nation’s refugee program and lower the number of accepted refugees.
Agree or disagree? Explanation 2-3 sentences

Statement 4: America needs stricter gun laws.
Agree or disagree? Explanation 2-3 sentences

Statement 5: Abortion is a woman’s right to choose and the governemtn shouldn’t be involved.
Agree or disagree? Explanation 2-3 sentences

Statement 6: Gender is determined by genetics; therefore transgender is not real and should not be recognized.
Agree or disagree? Explanation 2-3 sentences

Answer every single one of these

Respuesta :


Statement 1: I agree with this statement! I believe people can get out of poverty if they work hard. I know it can be hard to do that because of the situation they're in but I feel like with hard work and determination they can, in fact, get out of poverty. Jackie Chan is a great example of this. Jackey was born into a poor family, the family was so poor that they were on the verge of selling their baby (Jackie Chan) to a wealthy family. Chan was introduced to the China Drama Academy when he was seven years old. Jackie Chan benefited from the academy's education, strictness, and discipline.

Statement 2: I agree! I believe that taking a knee during the national anthem is disrespectful to the country and flag. When you kneel during the national anthem it's not only disrespecting the flag but also disrespecting members of the armed forces. The national anthem honors those who have risked their lives, been hurt, or died while defending the United States.

Statement 3: (I don't know too much about the nation's refugee program so I won't be able to help with that sorry!)

Statement 4: I 100% agree with this statement. Lots of bad situations that involve guns could have been prevented if the US didn't decide to legalize guns.

Statement 5: I agree. The government has no right to tell a woman what they should or shouldn't do with their OWN body. I don't know why they would want to control what a woman does with her pregnancy. You might say that the woman should put the baby up for adoption instead of aborting it but little do you know the US adoption system is bad! Young people who age out of foster care without being adopted have a higher rate of incarceration and substance abuse.

Statement 6: (i don't know a lot about this topic either so i won't be able to help sorry)

This is all based on opinion so, is there really a right answer? DUN DUN, DUNNNN