Minor premise: The government of England is subjecting the American colonists to laws that take away their unalienable rights.

Jefferson’s reasoning is valid, but what could be added to the minor premise to strengthen the conclusion that revolution is necessary?

Only democracies can protect unalienable rights.

All governments need to take away some of these rights.

Once governments take away these rights, they cannot be returned.

Colonists have previously asked the king to reform these laws.

Respuesta :


Only democracies can protect unalienable rights.


To reinforce Jefferson's position, the premise that only democracies can protect unalienable rights can be added. Thus, he not only would focus on the revolution as the way to replace the government of the king, but also as the way to establish a government of, by and for the American people.

That is, citizens would be urged to actively participate in politics and to make decisions based on popular sovereignty as a way of deciding the direction of the country, moving away from tyrannical systems such as absolutist monarchies.


Colonists have previously asked the king to reform these laws

