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Respiration is the process in which food is oxidized to release energy. Complex organic compounds are converted into simpler ones, e.g glucose into CO2 water and energy released. Gaseous exchange is the diffusion of gases from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower one.


Breathing is the physical process by which air is passed on a gaseous exchange surface i.e. ventilation of the gaseous exchange surface. It involves Inhalation and Exhalation.

Gas/Gaseous exchange is the process whereby gasses diffuse across a gaseous exchange surface. In humans, oxygen diffuses from the inhaled air into the blood and carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood into the exhaled air. The gaseous exchange surface here being the Alveoli.

Respiration is the metabolic process whereby organic molecules are broken down to release energy in the cells. In humans, this process takes place inside the mitochondria of cells. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen whereas qnqerobic respiration takes place in absence of oxygen.