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Discrimination on allocation refers to the way that men and women are involved. Allotted to professions differently. The process through which valuable discrimination refers. Despite equal qualifications and other factors, women have lower wages than men.


The gender salary gap or gender pay gap is the average pay difference for working men and women. Women are considered less than men, generally speaking. The pay gap consists of two distinct numbers: non-adjusted vs adjusted pay gap. Lastly, differences in working hours, chosen occupations, education and work experience are typically taken into consideration. In the USA, for example, the average annual salary of un-adjusted females is 79% of the average male wage, compared to 95% for the adjusted average wage

The reasons are linked to legal, cultural factors and go beyond 'equal wages for equal work.'

A public policy problem occurs from the gender pay gap because it reduces the economic output, and because it means that women are more dependent, especially in old age, on welfare payments.

A)Employers depreciate women's occupations

B)Women earn less money for the same joB than men.

C)Women are placed in low pay jobs by recruitment and promotion processes.

D)Patterns of socialisation encourage women to select lower-paid employment.