Giving Brainliest Answer!!
1. Knowing what you know about the topic, do you think that the “Cold War” is an appropriate name for the time period? Why? If you do not think it was appropriate, what do you think it should have been called?
2. To carry out the Truman Doctrine, the United States adopted the policy of containment. Do you think it was a good foreign policy? Why/why not?
3. Why would the United States want to help economically rebuild Europe? What's in it for us?
4. Do you think someone like Senator Joseph McCarthy could have considerable power today?

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Answer and Explanation:

1. The name Cold War was appropriate to be used to describe the period of ideological and indirect combat established between the US and the USSR. That's because the expression cold war, manages to show that there was a combat different from an armed struggle, without the use of weapons, that is, a conflict without "heating up", without attacking directly with fire and gunpowder.

2. The Containment Policy established during the Truman Doctrine, aimed to contain the communist advance in some countries, especially countries located in South America. This policy was a very profitable foreign policy for the US, because it allowed the establishment of a control and a strong influence in South America, strengthening capitalism and increasing the number of allies.

3. The US wanted to help rebuild Europe economically because it wanted to combat the spread of communism in that continent. Through economic aid, European countries would be doomed to accept the capitalist concepts of the USA and turn their backs on the USSR and the communist concepts that could not help them economically.

4. Senator McCarthy would have considerable power today, as he would find it easier to establish his prosecuting policy, without evidence, by sharing fake news through social media, which is so popular today. However, he would also have this power strongly opposed, as people now have more access to information and could often dispute his words.