Part A
React to this quotation from a letter by John Adams writing about political parties. Answer the questions in the table. John Adams wrote, “There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.”

Why do you think John Adams wrote what he did about political parties?

Do you agree or disagree with John Adams and why?

How was the Federalist party of 1796 different from a political party today?

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Answer and Explanation:

1. John Adams wrote about political parties because he had a concern about running the country. For him, if the country were managed by two different parties, this would generate political polarization and would prevent everyone from working in favor of a single objective, because each political party would work for different interests and this would not promote national progress.

2. Although Adams' views are relevant, I do not agree with him, as I believe that the existence of a single political party is dangerous for democracy as it allows only one political body to govern the country. Furthermore, the existence of two political parties allows citizens the right to choose.

3. Currently, the federalist party does not have much political influence in the country's administration. In fact, the federalist party lost power and position over the years and does not compare to the way it was in 1796, where even being a minority party, it had a strong political influence.