Suppose the figure KLMN is dilated using a scale factor of 1/3 with the center of dilation at the origin. Which are the ordered pairs for the image?

1. K’(-1,3), L’(-3,0), M’(⅔, -8/3), N’(2, 4/3)

2. K’(-9,27), L’(-27,0), M’(6, -24), N’(18, 12)

3. K’(0,6), L’(-6,-3), M’(-1, -5), N’(3, 1)

4. K’(3,-1), L’(0,-3), M’(-8/3, ⅔), N’(4/3,2)

Suppose the figure KLMN is dilated using a scale factor of 13 with the center of dilation at the origin Which are the ordered pairs for the image 1 K13 L30 M 83 class=