Fill in the blanks with suitable collective nouns from the list.
(choir, pride, flock, bunch, troop, flight, band, swarm, litter)
1. The cat has a ……………………. of five kittens.
2. The ………………… of singers sang melodiously.
3. The jungle safari gave us an opportunity to spot a ………………… of lions.
4. The poachers were attacked by a ……………….. of wild elephants.
5. A ………………… of bees forced us to take shelter in the cave.
6. A ……………….. of stairs leads to the terrace.
7. The ……………….. of musicians delivered a magical performance.
8. The children were amused by the ………………. of​

Respuesta :


1. Litter

2. Choir

3. Pride

4. Flock

5. Swarm

6. Band

7. Troop

8. Bunch

  1. The cat has a litter of five kittens.
  2. .The choir of singers sang melodiously.
  3. The jungle safari gave us an opportunity to spot a pride of lions.
  4. The poachers were attacked by a flock of wild elephants.
  5. A swarm of bees forced us to take shelter in the cave.
  6. A troop of stairs leads to the terrace.
  7. The band of musicians delivered a magical performance.
  8. The children were amused by the bunch of .

hope it is helpful to you