
Line and tone

Using the word bank below, annotate Relativity to demonstrate that you understand where he is applying tone and line in clever ways

Write a paragraph that desciribes how escher is using line in his drawing titled “RELATIVITY”

(Include exact details on position in the frame or composition, TYPE of quality, (eg-very dark) & the effect created - including what we are made to think/see/ponder)


Where does the light come from.

How much does it fill the space

Does the light/shadow suggest a time or season

How much dark and light do we actually see?

Where exactly are the darkest darks and the lightest lights?

Where do the lines take us on our journey around the picture?

Wordbank: technique, tonal range, tonal contrast, textures, directional line, vectors, zig zag, organic, geometic, line based patterns, Sharp, Clean, Angular, Edges, Repetition, Accurate, leading lines, hatching, cross hatching, stippling, soft, gradients, angle of light, parallel, cast shadows, bounced light, perspective, right angles, accute, obtuse.

"RELATIVITY" by M.C Escher

Line and tone Using the word bank below annotate Relativity to demonstrate that you understand where he is applying tone and line in clever ways Write a paragra class=