Luego de su cumpleaños, Benjamín ha decidido donar la tercera parte del dinero que recibió de regalo de sus familiares a una fundación. Considerando las variables cantidad de dinero recibido por Benjamín y cantidad de dinero que donará Benjamín. a. ¿Cuál es la variable dependiente en esta situación.

Respuesta :


The dependent variable is the amount of money he received for birthday.

Step-by-step explanation:

After his birthday, Benjamin has decided to donate a third of the money he received as a gift from his relatives to a foundation. Considering the variables amount of money received by Benjamin and amount of money that Benjamin will donate. to. What is the dependent variable in this situation.

Here, the money he received for the birthday is x.

So, he donated x/3.

The variable is the money which he gets, so the dependent variable is amount of money he received for the birthday.