
Is it possible to say that there are good or bad emotions?

How do you evaluate emotions to determine this?

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Answer: No, there are no good or bad emotions.

Explanation: There are only positive or negative emotions which is different. Sadness, anger, or resentment will always stick to the human individial due to the fact that we are imperfect. But, emotions oposite to those negative one such as love, joy and even compassion exist to soothe the negative emotions.  

Tell me your opinion on this is fire good or bad? The answer is that it depends on the circumstances. Based on the book: “Young people think Vol 2” states: “On a cold winter night, wood burning in a fireplace can provide much-needed warmth. That’s good. Uncontrolled, however, the flames can quickly spread and destroy the entire house. That’s bad. It’s similar with your emotions. When controlled, they’re beneficial, enabling you to develop warm friendships. Unrestrained, your emotions can be destructive, not only to you but also to those around you.” So, emotions can be positive and negative. It can be a benefit to you or be a disadvantage. And, often “negative feelings are not the result of our circumstances but of how we view then”.

How do you evaluate emotions to determine this?

Based on the Awake magazine “Are you in control of your life?” it states:

“If negative feelings control your life, try the following:

  • Write down your feelings in a journal.
  • Express your feelings to a close relative or friend.
  • Challenge your feelings. For example, ask yourself, ‘Is there really evidence to support such a negative view of myself?’
  • Do not hold on to anxiety, anger, or resentment. Redirect your energies to something more productive.