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According to Parker, poverty is a lack-that is living without hope, better foodstuffs, medicinal care, proper sanitation and proper education. It is like an acid that destroys pride, honour, health and future.


General definition of poverty: “Poverty is a state in which a part of the population does not have basic living conditions such as food, housing, sanitation, hygiene, health care, education, transportation, and the right to participate. community consensus”

Concepts of poverty

In the past we often equated poverty with low income. Considered as the primary focus to assess human poverty. This concept has a priority point is the convenience in identifying some people based on the poverty line, poor.

But reality has proven that the determination of poverty life by income is only measured for a part of life. Low income does not reflect all aspects of poverty, it does not tell us how poor and destitute the poor are. Due to that, this concept has a lot of limitations.

Currently, due to the development of the world economy, the concept of poverty has been understood more broadly and more deeply and can also be understood in different approaches:

The Conference on Poverty Reduction in the Asia Pacific Region organized by ESCAP in September 1993 in Bangkok - Thailand introduced the concept of poverty: Poverty includes absolute poverty and relative poverty.

Absolute poverty: is the state of one of the people are not enjoying and satisfying the basic human needs which are recognized by society according to the level of economic development and local customs .

Relative poverty: is the state of a part of the population below the average level of the community.

From the economic edge: Poverty is the extreme lack of choice and the inability to participate in the socio-economic life of the nation, mainly in the economic sphere.

According to the other side: Poverty is the response of the level of socio-economic development in each historical period, within a country, a region, a region.

In 1998, the UN DP published a report on the topic “Overcoming human poverty” that gave definitions of the poor.

Human misery: lack of human rights such as literacy, participation in the community system and adequate nourishment.

Poor currency: lack of income minimization and capacity expenditure minimization.

Extreme poverty: poverty, of the same kind, that is, the inability to satisfy the bare minimum needs.

The common poverty: the more important degree of poverty is defined as the inability to satisfy those who require food and food is really weak; these requirements are sometimes defined differently in the country this or that country.
