A 13.6 kg block is tied at the top of an incline to a tree. If the incline is 35.5 degrees and the coefficient of friction between the sled and the incline is .45, What is the tension force between the block and the tree

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ASSUMING that block = sled AND that the rope is parallel to the slope.

The force acting parallel due to the weight is

13.6(9.81)sin35.5 = 77.475 N

The maximum friction force is

(0.45)13.6(9.81)cos35.5 = 48.877 N

If rope tension is T

77.475 - 48.877 < T < 77.475 + 48.877

            28.6 N < T < 126 N

28.6 N will occur if the block is on the verge of sliding downhill

126 N will occur if the block is on the verge of sliding uphill

Could be any value between them.