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Short term solution for energy crisis:-

Leakage control: It was believed that around 20 to 25% of electrical energy is losses due to leakage so we can control the leakage for the short term solution.

Use of Alternative energy: Wind energy, solar energy are alternative sources of energy. If the government decrease the taxes on solar panel and on battery required for solar people will get attracted toward the clean energy like solar energy. Also, in the Himalayan parts of Nepal, the velocity of air is suitable for the production of energy if government help and funded on turbine purchases and other instruments then the problem of energy crisis in remote areas will be solved.

Review of energy Prices: Price is an important factor, that plays a vital role in the consumption of energy. If the price of electrical energy is cheap, obviously people will use more. So, the energy price should be review yearly and must be suitable so that poor class people can also consume.

Long term solution for the energy crisis:-

Storage project: Storage project is long term solution from energy crisis because if we see in the country like Nepal where in summer season the level of water in stream is high so in summer season hydropower produce more amount of energy but in winter the flow of water will decrease and the water height is also decreased so to maintain the power production similar throughout the year storage based project should be given priority.

Sustainable investment: To overcome the energy crisis problem in the country or in the Asian region we need to focus on sustainable investment. Sustainable projects should be chosen for investment and to get the maximum benefit from the investment.

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