Hey…. I just need some advice. So I suck at math right like I dont know anything, or I should say I dont remember anything! So a little bit over the summer I have been doing Khan acadamey and what not. But I still cant seem to do anything right! So school here starts september 1st and Im gonna be a freshman in highschool. What do I do!!!

Respuesta :

Well just relax everything will be ok. I was nervous as a freshman as well and struggled but your teacher will always be there for you, just keep on studying and when school starts don’t be afraid to raise your hand or ask for help when needed because they won’t know if you’re struggling. Personally in my high school my teachers offered tutoring after school. Don’t stress and break ur head just enjoy ur break and wait until school starts cause i’m pretty sure not everyone is gonna remember anything as well. They take it little by little and it’s pretty easy.

study some in any way possible and talk to your parents abt it, be confident and be yourself and that way ppl will like you.