Write a simple to-do-item application in Java. It should support the following features, Add a to-do item Delete a to-do item View the to-do items Make sure to structure your program in a modular way. In this case, that means you would have a command-line application which uses a class that holds the to-do items internally and provides public methods to add an item, delete an item, and provide the list of to-do items.

Respuesta :

Program Explanation:

  • Import package.
  • Defining a class ToDoList.
  • Inside the class create an "ArrayList" class object to add, remove the value in the list.
  • For this "addItem, deleteItem, and listAll" method is declared, in which first two method uses a variable to "add and remove" value and last method "listAll" uses loop to print its value.
  • In the next step, a Main class with the main method is declared, which creates the "ToDoList" class object.
  • After creating its object a loop is defined that prints message and uses multiple conditional statements to add, remove and show list values.


import java.util.*;//import package

class ToDoList//defining a class ToDoList


ArrayList<String> To = new ArrayList<String>(); //creating an ArrayList class object

public void addItem(String i) //defining a method addItem that takes a sting parameter


   this.To.add(i);//use this to hold or add value into ArrayList  }

public void deleteItem(int n)//defining a method deleteItem that takes an integer parameter


       this.To.remove(n);//use this to remove value into ArrayList


public void listAll()//defining a method listAll  


   for (int x = 0; x < this.To.size(); x++) //defining loop to print List value  


     System.out.println((x+1)+"."+this.To.get(x));//print value




public class Main //defining a class Main


       public static void main(String[] ar)//defining main method  


               ToDoList to=new ToDoList(); //creating ToDoList class object

               int f=0,o;//defining integer variable  

               while(f==0)//defining while loop to print message and calculate value


               System.out.println("\n----------To do list----------\n");//print message

               System.out.println("1. Add item ");//print message

               System.out.println("2. Delete item ");//print message

               System.out.println("3. List of todo Item ");//print message

               System.out.println("4. Exit ");//print message

               System.out.println("Enter your choice:");//print message

               Scanner i=new Scanner(System.in); //creating Scanner class object

               o=i.nextInt(); i.nextLine(); //input value  

               if(o==1)//defining if block to check input value equal to 1


                       System.out.println("Enter the item:");//print message

                       String it=i.nextLine();//defining String variable that input value

                       to.addItem(it);//add value into the ArrayList

                       System.out.println("1 item added!");//print message


else if(o = =2)//defining else if block to check input value equal to 2


 to.listAll();//calling method listAll

               System.out.println("Enter item number to delete");//print message

               int n=i.nextInt();//defining integer variable that input value

               to. deleteItem (n - 1);//calling method delete Item that remove value from ArrayList              

               System.out.println("1 item deleted!");//print message


  else if(o==3)//defining else if block to check input value equal to 3


               to.listAll();//calling method listAll that prints ArrayList  




           f=1;//use f variable that hold value 1 for LOOP beaking






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