Respuesta :


1. economic policy of mercantilism

2. to gain riches and access to the northwest passage


Make money through trade and stop Spain from expanding its power.


The British interest in the southeastern area of North America was to generate money through mercantile and to stop Spain from expanding its power.

  • The British interest in the colony was to increase trade and wealth for England.
  • North American colonists provided a market for the manufactured goods from England, which led to a trade policy in which colonies expected to supply raw materials to England.
  • The English Crown expected the colonies to bring prosperity to England through trading tobacco, rice and other natural resources and regulating colonial shipping, which allowed trading only with the British.
  • The Spaniards went initially to America for private profit and national wealth, rather than as missionaries and explorers.
  • Spanish found the mine in Bolivia, Mexico, and Peru of gold and silver.
  • The wealth acquired by Spain and its growing power in Europe urged the British to colonize North America in the southeastern area to claim the land in the name of the Crown.

Therefore, we can conclude that the purpose of the British in the southeastern area of North America was to acquire wealth and stop Spain from obtaining power in North America.


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