Directions: Match each item with the correct statement below. You will not use all the
A. Mayflower Compact
AB. Slavery
B. encomienda system
AC.indentured servants
C. Jamestown
AD. feudalism
D. Plymouth
AE. colony
E. presidio
BC. Columbian Exchange
1. The
was an agreement drawn up by the Pilgrims that established an early form of self
government in the colonies.
2. Spanish fort used to teach, preach, and convert the natives
3. The transfer of items from Europe to the Americas starting in 1492 which brought new OT
products to each side of the Atlantic Ocean for the first time.
4. A new settlement Europeans created in the New World
5. A system of distributing land that made nobles land owners in the New World and made Native
Americans a labor force for Spaniards.
6. The system of government in most of Europe for centuries prior to the Exploration of Era that
focused on land as a source of power and wealth.
7. A worker that agreed to work for several years in the colonies in exchange for their passage to
be paid for and room and board.
8. The first permanent English settlement that will help form Virginia.
9. The pilgrim settlement that will help form Massachusetts.
10. A form of forced labor in which people were held in bondage for their entire life.

IDENTIFYING KEY TERMS PEOPLE AND PLACES Directions Match each item with the correct statement below You will not use all the items A Mayflower Compact AB Slaver class=